The scholarship fund is intended for scholars of Dutch and for other academics, preferably attached to departments of Dutch at foreign universities.
The scholarship fund has various objectives that mutually strengthen each other, namely:
- to promote the development of young academics;
- to enhance the quality of Dutch studies abroad;
- to contribute towards the autonomy of staff and the content of Dutch studies abroad;
- to promote accreditation of a department of Dutch by national authorities.
Target group
The scholarship fund is intended for scholars of Dutch and other academics, preferably attached to departments of Dutch at foreign universities. These academics conduct research relevant to the Dutch studies and are not eligible for other national or international scholarship programmes. The academics stay at a university within the Dutch-speaking region or outside this region if this is relevant for the research. In all cases, the research should be carried out within the framework of a thesis or habilitation (academic position).
What does a scholarship entail?
A scholarship for a study period in the Netherlands or Flanders will be awarded for a maximum of six months. The scholarship can be used to pay for costs incurred while carrying out specific aspects of the research. The scholarship cannot be used as a replacement for a salary. It is also not possible to use the scholarship to fund a scientific publication.
This scholarship is also applicable to Post-Doc research projects. However these Post-Doc projects don't get the priority.
More information
Applications must be submitted before 1 February. Application forms have to be completed in Dutch. Forms in other languages will not be accepted.
For more information, please have a look at the original text in Dutch.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to